Interrupt 21h Function 440Dh Minor Code 4Bh 

Locks the physical volume.

mov ax, 440Dh        ; generic IOCTL

mov bh, LockLevel    ; see below

mov bl, DriveNum     ; see below

mov ch, 08h          ; device category (must be 08h)

mov cl, 4Bh          ; Lock Physical Volume

mov dx, Permissions  ; see below

int 21h


jc error




Level of the lock. This parameter must be either 0, 1, 2, or 3.


Drive to lock. This parameter must be one of these values (same device unit numbers as for Interrupt 13h):


00 - 7Fh

Floppy disk drive (00 for the first floppy drive, 01 for the second, and so on).

80 - FFh

Hard disk drive (80 for the first hard disk drive, 81 for the second, and so on).



Operations that the system permits while the volume is locked. This parameter is specified only when a level 1 lock is obtained or when a level 0 lock is obtained for the second time for formatting the volume. For other lock levels, this parameter is zero. When a level 1 lock is obtained, bits 0 and 1 of this parameter specify whether the system permits write operations, new file mappings, or both by other processes during a level 1 lock as well as during level 2 and 3 locks. If this parameter specifies that write operations, new file mappings, or both are failed, these operations are failed during level 1, 2, and 3 locks. This parameter has the following form:




0 = Write operations are failed (specified when a level 1 lock is obtained).


1 = Write operations are allowed (specified when a level 1 lock is obtained).


0 = New file mapping are allowed (specified when a level 1 lock is obtained).


1 = New file mapping are failed (specified when a level 1 lock is obtained).


1 = The volume is locked for formatting (specified when a level 0 lock is obtained for the second time).


Return Value

Clears the carry flag if successful. Otherwise, the function sets the carry flag and sets the AX register to an error value.


The volume must be locked before the application performs direct disk write operations by using Interrupt 13h, Interrupt 26h, or the Interrupt 21h IOCTL functions. A single physical volume may be divided into more than one logical volume, which is also called a partition. The system automatically takes a logical volume lock on all logical volumes on the specified physical drive. If the application performs disk writes only to a logical drive, Lock Logical Volume (Interrupt 21h Function 440Dh Minor Code 4Ah306_4U) is used instead of this function. Unlock Physical Volume (Interrupt 21h Function 440Dh Minor Code 6Bh24UZ_PZ) should be called to release the lock.